Saturday, February 7, 2009

Artisan Bread

Bread Class
I took a break from sewing this weekend to take the first of three Artisan Bread Baking classes I received as a Christmas gift from my parents! It was a wonderful class and I came home with a French baguette, a sourdough boule, a half loaf of cinnamon swirl bread as well as dough for another baguette, another boule and 1/4 cup of sourdough starter! And all the recipes. We had lunch halfway through the class, with wine. Mmmmmm. Next week's breads are: Brioche Rolls, Challah, Pain de Campagna, Foccacia, and American Dinner Rolls.

I really like to cook. My first job out of college was working in gourmet shop and school called The Pampered Pantry, in St. Louis, MO, which sadly, went out of business long ago. I was required to read an inch thick book on cooks tools which is where I first began my cookware snobbery. I may not have a big kitchen or a lot of cookware but what I have is high quality, most of it at least.

My absolute dream trip would be this European Tour through Cook Street School of Fine Cooking where I'm taking this class. It's part of the professional chef program, but for a mere $6,495, not including airfare, anyone can join the tour! This movie shows the Italian part of the tour (WARNING: food porn)

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