Wednesday, February 2, 2011

From the NEW North Pole

Lotta Prints on my quilt wall

Yes, that is the actual temperature when I got up this morning. One of my co-workers told me that if you heat up a cup of water and throw it up in the air, ice crystals come down and smoke rises up. So of course I had to try it. Um. It happens REALLY fast. I didn't see anything but water being thrown, maybe when I'm more awake I'll try it again. Rosie thought I was a little nutso.

It has been declared 'dangerously' cold, all the schools are closed and I have a two hour delay for work, which means a great excuse to get in another blog post this week!

When I finally unpacked from the weekend, I put my creations up on my quilt wall wannabee and they look so nice I just keep admiring them! I have all sorts of ideas now about printing.

I used to do lots of printing on fabric
but I used a brush and painted complicated scenes

and then I tried linoleum block printing which was fun but the designs were super labor intensive NOW I have learned from Lotta, keep it simple.

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