Sunday, November 7, 2010

Um. Seriously Behind

So, I just learned today, duh, that there is a Google reader. Doinggggg. I've been logging into my blog and going to my Dashboard to read my subscribed to blogs. I hate it when that happens.

OK, in honor of that, I would love to add some more *favorite* blogs to my list. Do you have a favorite that I don't know about? Please tell!!

Meanwhile, after the de-stashapalooza of last Sunday and Monday (WHEW) I have been busy finishing up a bunch o' commissioned works.

I sold this pillow at an auction to benefit the New England Camp Cedarbrook and the auction winner wanted a second pillow, which only took me 6 weeks to finish.

And today I am finishing up the straight line quilting on a Vespa scooter quilt, commissioned by a friend who bought the center print on canvas in Italy this summer.  By the way, straight quilting is MUCH much harder for me than the "stipple" method because it really shows if you stitch a little crooked.  I do love using the walking foot with the guide.  I just need to practice more.  Also, I'm using heavyweight fabrics so I had to rip a bunch out when I checked the back and had puckers.

I've decided to do some free motion drawing with thread on the centerpiece. I think this will look SUPER cool if I practice a bunch first.  I'm going to use charcoal thread and the back is a gorgeous natural linen so the Vespa drawing should show up well on the back.

And finally I leave you with this morning's sunrise in the city.  It was the end of daylight savings and I opened the curtain to see if it was light out and saw the most amazing sky so I grabbed the camera and ran outside. 

1 comment:

  1. I just the love google reader and a while ago I read this post from Amy on how to add next and subscribe buttons to your tool bar and it made it even better!

    I have many favorite blogs but Alicia Paulson's always makes me happy when it pops up in my reader.
    Thought I'd share
