Saturday, June 5, 2010

Craft Hope Project 8

Last night I spent a couple of hours sewing together cotton chenille, terry cloth and sherpa into 10 x 10 and 14 x 27 piece squares/rectangles which will be used as RAGS! Yes, you heard me! And I actually got a little teary thinking about it because the rags will be used by the The Institute for Marine Mammal Studies to clean the oil from marine animals in the Gulf of Mexico.

The project is being coordinated by Craft Hope and you can read all about the project here.

At first I thought, well, some corporation could just donate a bunch of new towels for this, how can I make a difference? But then I realized that big circle of life where everyone is involved and that if I can exert some energy toward the effort to help, it just might be a step in the right direction. I hope that made sense! Anyway, Craft Hope is an amazing organization, YAY Craft Hope!

Towels For Craft Hope